Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Dramaturgical Questions from Bryan Moore

Do I focus on the Project itself?
The artists lives during the project?
Did they have any problems working together?
Did religion cause any problems? Jew Vs. Catholic Vs. Atheist?
Focus on the criticism and arguments against the artists?
How much is the outside world (ie., WWII) informing the play?
How did the artists react to the war?
If the artists were forced to stop work on the Church, why did they stop their work? Why did they continue after the war?
Was there a deadline? Did the war affect this deadline?
Are there only a couple of artists to focus on?
Are we looking at the artists for their art, for their religion? What angle?
Is this a personal story or more of a larger scale/project oriented?
Is this the story of M.-A. Coutrier? Conflict of bridging the gap?
What about the forgotten artists? How did they decide? Is that important?
What was the state of art in the world at the time? Sacred art?
Why was this so important?
How was Modern art being considered in general?
What questions are the important ones to answer?

Only two of the artists were practicing Catholics.
Were there any specific works that caused some flack, had to be changed, or weren't used? There were many designs, but were any not used?
Was there a painter or artist who worked to put everything together? The link between all the artists? What is the linking factor? What is the nucleus?
Is this an ensemble piece?

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